Archives for May 9, 2021

How to battle depression naturally: 13 tips & strategies

Physical exercise is one of the most effective natural ways to battle depression and its symptoms.Depression is characterized by prolonged feelings of disinterest and sadness. Beyond feeling blue, major depression is a mood disorder that can last several years and severely disrupt your life. Depression is usually treated with a combination of talk therapy and medications under … [Read more...]

Anger and depression: the surprising connection

Anger and depression: the surprising connection Table of Contents The symptoms of depression can include irritability, agitation, and anger. Most people associate depression with sadness, but not everyone experiences it that way. Sometimes the frustration of having depression builds up and comes out as anger or irritation. On the flip side, sometimes anger can get … [Read more...]

Separation anxiety disorder: symptoms, causes, and treatments

If you have separation anxiety, even the thought of being apart from loved ones can cause extreme distress. People with this disorder experience extreme anxiety at the idea of being separated from caregivers or loved ones. Someone with separation anxiety disorder may feel panic at the idea of leaving home to attend school or go to work. For people with anxiety and depression, … [Read more...]