Archives for January 25, 2021

Catastrophizing: 6 ways to recognize and prevent It

Catastrophizing is the tendency to imagine the worst possible outcome. Over time, it can lead to anxiety, negative moods, fear, and avoidance. Despite the brilliance of the human mind, some of our thought patterns can cause emotional pain. One such pattern is called “catastrophizing,” a term coined by psychologist Albert Ellis to describe “the tendency to magnify a perceived … [Read more...]

5 relaxing exercises for anxiety to try right now

Anxiety can feel overwhelming and out-of-control. But there are scientifically proven behavioral strategies that can help calm you down fast. In this article, we’ll teach you 5 relaxing exercises that you can use to manage the symptoms of anxiety.  For people with anxiety and depression, purposefully engaging in pleasurable activities can improve mental health. Anxiety is … [Read more...]