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man with son playing in field wondering if anxiety is genetic

Can anxiety be genetic? Everything you need to know

Many factors contribute to the development of anxiety disorders, including genetics and family history. If
man in bed smiling overcoming erectile dysfunction caused by sexual performance anxiety

How performance anxiety leads to erectile dysfunction

Medical review by Dr. Davis LiuAnxiety is one of the most common causes of ED.
woman with hand on neck to represent feelings of extreme anxiety

Extreme anxiety: why it’s different & how to work with it

For people who live with extreme anxiety, the experience can be so intense that everyday
young woman with alcohol anxiety looking out window with tea cup

Alcohol & anxiety: why drinking & mental health don’t mix

Many people drink to relax and de-stress, but using alcohol this way can have a
Young woman with hands on stomach experiencing anxiety and nausea

Anxiety and nausea: 5 tips to treat both

Medical Review by Jennie Stanford, MD, FAAFP, DipABOM Summary For better or worse, anxiety is part
man with hands on chest telling difference between anxiety and panic attacks

Anxiety vs. panic attack: how to tell them apart

People often use the words “anxiety” and “panic” interchangeably, but there’s a difference between these
woman pushing boulder representing catastrophic anxious thinking

Catastrophizing: 6 ways to recognize and prevent It

Catastrophizing is the tendency to imagine the worst possible outcome. Over time, it can lead
young woman meditating as relaxing exercise for anxiety

5 relaxing exercises for anxiety to try right now

Anxiety can feel overwhelming and out-of-control. But there are scientifically proven behavioral strategies that can
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